One of our core competences at L-Pub is text analysis. Besides introducing new publishing formats, the digital revolution also allows us to see texts not only as language, but as data, too. With the help of natural language processing (or NLP), texts can now be statistically evaluated and interpreted. But what’s the point?

L-Pub develops NLP components that provide valuable insights on the comprehensibility, legibility and linguistic features of texts.

Example of a text analysis report: words sorted by CEFR difficulty (A1-C2). Find out how many difficult words your text contains. The report can also be exported as an Excel file, e.g. to quickly create a glossary for your text.

Try a free version of our text analysis tool for German, the “Language Level Evaluator Deutsch Lite“.

Try a free version of our text analysis tool for English, the “Language Level Evaluator English Lite“.

What can your texts reveal?

Our NLP-based text analysis provides users with a wide range of relevant information about their texts:

  • Statistics: Our software statistically analyzes your texts. Many relevant features of the text are thereby displayed in a compact and clear format. For instance, let’s say you want to see only the verbs in your text which are in the past tense.
  • Text difficulty: We provide detailed information as well as recommendations on the difficulty and legibility of your texts for your specific target readers. Is the text too difficult for your readers? Which words or constructions could be changed to improve comprehension? What other features of the text impact legibility?
  • Number of unique words: Knowing the number of words in a text is one thing, but how many of those words appear multiple times? Our analysis separates out all lemmas with an algorithm that considers all morphologies of a word. So “catch” and “caught” will only be counted as one lemma.
Example of a text analysis report: sentence length analysis. We create a report detailing the number of sentences in your text, the average number of words per sentence and a statistical spread of the sentences according to sentence length. The report also includes a comprehensive list of all sentences sorted by length.


The Language Level Evaluator, or “LLE” for short, is a tool L-Pub has developed together with Ernst Klett Sprachen. As a service to publishers, we can analyze your English or German texts and give you a detailed report about their difficulty according to standard European parameters. This LLE-Certified report includes:

  • A list of all words categorized by level A1-C1/C2
  • The corresponding sentences each word appears in
  • An overview of sentences by word length
  • An overall score for the difficulty of the text

Use the report to better target your texts to a specific level or to quickly create a glossary of difficult words.

Get a discount

Whether you represent a publisher, school or other educational institute, you can benefit from a discount when ordering more than one license of our NLP text analysis tools LLE English and LLE Deutsch. Just let us know approx. how many licenses you are interested in.

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