Terms & Conditions of the Language Level Evaluator (LLE)
The LLE is made available to you by L-Pub GmbH – hereinafter referred to as “LLE Operator”.
You may not use the LLE in an abusive manner and only to the extent permitted by law. The LLE Operator reserves the right suspend or completely discontinue your access to the LLE or your ability to use it at any time. This applies in particular if you violate these Terms & Conditions or if we discover a suspected violation.
Access to the LLE is granted to one person at a time, who is associated with a unique e-mail address. Use of the same access credentials by multiple persons is not permitted, as this creates unfair additional operating costs for the LLE Operator and can lead to considerably longer analysis times for other users. Free access to LLE English Lite is granted only on a provisional basis and may be revoked at any time for the afore-mentioned reasons and to protect the quality of access for paying users of the professional version: LLE English Pro.
The use of the LLE involves the entry of texts into an online interface for the purpose of their analysis and the classification of the linguistic phenomena they contain to CEFR learning levels A1-C2. The use of the LLE therefore requires that you either own or have cleared the necessary copyrights to the texts that you want to have processed by the LLE. By entering texts into the LLE, you grant us, free of charge, the necessary, non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual rights to use the texts in question solely for linguistic analysis to the extent necessary for this purpose.
It is one of the basic functions of LLE to store the texts entered on a server for a limited time until the analysis is finished, and you have left the LLE or until you enter a new text. The right of use granted by you therefore includes, in particular, the authorization on our part to provisionally store and process the texts you enter in the LLE and to make them accessible to you via the analysis field. The rights of use granted to us end at the time you logout of the LLE, close the browser window in which the LLE is open or delete a text (Reset) from the LLE analysis field.