StoryPlanet English
Dive deep into English
Discover our app for intermediate to advanced learners of English (B1-B2). Read mini-stories, click on difficult words for context-specific definitions, create your own personal learning list – then practice your customized vocabulary in a series of progressively difficult exercises.

StoryPlanet Deutsch
A context-based vocabulary app for beginning to intermediate learners of German (A2-B1). Our entertaining mini-stories lower the barrier to reading by giving you in-context definitions for difficult words. Save what you want to learn to your personal learning list – then launch a series of exercises based on the same sentences in the stories.

X-ray your texts
Are your texts appropriate for the level of your language learners? Try the free version of our Language Level Evaluator (LLE) to get an objective view of the language phenomena in your texts based on CEFR levels A1-C1/C2. Also available for German.
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Are you a teacher or do you represent an educational institute? We offer attractive volume licenses for our language learning and text analysis apps. Get in touch so we can start the conversation!