vobot Georgisch App

Learn the Georgian alphabet & over 10,000 Georgian words with interactive exercises & translations into German. The app vobot Georgisch: dictionary by Buske.

vobot FAQ

Do you have questions about using the mobile vocabulary trainer apps vobot German or vobot Georgisch? Get answers here in our vobot FAQ!


Explore our vocabulary learning apps with full dictionaries and engaging exercises: vobot German & vobot Georgisch.


Dive deep into languages with captivating stories and in-context learning tools. Explore our immersive reading apps: StoryPlanet Deutsch & StoryPlanet English.

StoryPlanet Español

StoryPlanet helps you learn a foreign language through immersive reading and individualized exercises StoryPlanet Español – COMING SOON – CHECK OUT OUR OTHER LANGUAGE OFFERS BELOW AND FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR UPDATES FOLLOW US…

StoryPlanet Français

StoryPlanet helps you learn a foreign language through immersive reading and individualized exercises StoryPlanet Français – COMING SOON – CHECK OUT OUR OTHER LANGUAGE OFFERS BELOW AND FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR UPDATES FOLLOW US…

Language Technology

L-Pub offers a range of unique language learning apps and other digital products for learners and teachers with a focus on reading and vocabulary.