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Genre: Adventure
A gift worth fighting for
In a dystopian future, a survivor wants to save valuable coins she had hidden. But hostile survivors threaten to thwart this plan.
The Green Glow
A science fiction adventure story about a young Laplander who encounters an alien from outer space. Nothing less than the future of planet Earth is at stake!
No Place for the Greedy
An adventure story about a man on the run from unknown pursuers. He seeks refuge in a mysterious cave that turns out to be his undoing.
The Hole
A dystopian story about two friends who discover an abandoned room in their school. Soon after, they start to develop special powers. But at what price?
Freddy Finds a Treasure
A young boy discovers a secret door in the kitchen of his family’s new home. Inspired by his hero Sherlock Holmes, he sets out to uncover the secrets it holds.
StoryPlanet Stories
Browse StoryPlanet stories from the free version of our app StoryPlanet English, written in captivating, modern & relevant English for EFL/EAL learners.
Sister and Brother
A dystopian adventure story about animal rights activists embroiled in an evil experiment that tries to separate them. Will their loyalty remain unbroken?
The Mystery Suitcase
Chrissie takes on a dubious assignment: travel to Hong Kong with a mysterious suitcase for which she will be richly rewarded in cash. Will she succeed?