Posts by tag
Topic: Family
On thin ice
Two sisters go ice skating together. Joan breaks into the ice. Her sister Beth rescues her.
Nine-fold Happiness
Grandfather Paul has eight grandchildren who organize a special surprise for his birthday.
Lydia Rediscovers Things
Lydia’s forgetfulness sometimes plays tricks on her. In her imagination, she gives objects a life of their own, just like her grandchildren. A story in 2 parts.
Leonard and Leroy
Two brothers are on opposing sides of the law. And they look identical to each other!
Dad Jokes
Erik is annoyed by his father’s corny jokes. When he later becomes a father himself, he finds that he now tells corny jokes too.
Beauty from Within
Kaia visits a jeweler to learn more about a ring her grandfather gave her. Her research takes an unexpectedly personal turn.
A gift worth fighting for
In a dystopian future, a survivor wants to save valuable coins she had hidden. But hostile survivors threaten to thwart this plan.
A Fish on the Line
Ruby and her father spend a wonderful day together. He teaches her how to fish – and shares some wisdom with her in the process.
The Gift of Giving
A thoughtful story in which a woman considers the ways holiday gift giving changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.