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Genre: Real-life experiences
The Last Wish
Bonnie gives a sweet lady in a nursing home one last gift: she helps her get back in touch with her sister.
The Interstellar Ball
A soccer ball intended as an astronaut’s mascot for space flight finally finds its way into space thirty years later.
Survival Instinct
A thief on a motorcycle fails to rob Hedda, an elderly woman who is no longer in perfect health. Her survival instinct has won out.
Spring is in the Air
A woman is still struggling emotionally with a breakup. But with time and the arrival of spring, her wounds slowly begin to heal.
Parrot Eyes
From pirates to a retiree, a parrot changes hands many times in its long lifetime. Based on a true story.
On thin ice
Two sisters go ice skating together. Joan breaks into the ice. Her sister Beth rescues her.
Nine-fold Happiness
Grandfather Paul has eight grandchildren who organize a special surprise for his birthday.
Mr. Know-It-All
A young woman is thrilled by the apparent knowledge of a quiz king. When she gets to know him, he turns out to be a fraud.
Mona’s Book Club
Just as Mona has moved to a new city, the Covid-19 pandemic strikes. She finds a creative way to meet new people in the area.